Texas Travels



Shafter was an old silver mining town between Presidio and Marfa.  There is not much to this little old town except these ruins, a couple houses and a church.


The Joker Cafe and an old auto shop in Penwell. This is a ghost town if there ever was one.  Some of the houses look like the people just decided to leave one day, there is still furniture in some of the houses.  On the other side of the interstate there are a couple truck stops that are now closed and in disrepair.

Rattlesnake Bomber Base in Pyote

Part of the base is currently in use by the West Texas State School. This building was one on the enormous hangars.  All that stands now are the walls and a small building that contained 5 big safes.  The runways and asphalt roads look like they hadn't been in use in a long time.